Training Compliance Simplified


Minimize Uncertainty, Maximize Confidence



AnnuityLong-Term Care

Best Interest Suitability in Annuity Training

In 2020, the NAIC updated the suitability in annuity regulation with new training requirements that are currently being implemented at the state level. ClearCert offers a turn-key solution to administer this challenging training requirement.


Real-time training status calculation, including automated reciprocity for suitability and best interest states.

Carrier Accepted Course List

The industry’s only authorized listing of courses pre-certified for carrier acceptance and updated for state best interest implementation.

Producer Profile

The only national, single look-up course completion database available.

Our Unique & Proven Process

Why go to multiple information sources when everything you need to certify training compliance can be found in one place? We work with leading carriers, their distribution partners and training providers to maintain a time-saving, revenue boosting resource.

Licensing & Compliance Made Simple

Licensing and compliance professionals claim that our long-term care insurance certification resources save an average of 45 minutes per case submitted – time that can be used far more productively elsewhere.


Time Savings vs. Other Compliance Methods


Trusted Certification Accuracy

Centralized Training Clearinghouse

ClearCert has partnered with large and small training firms nationwide. All training firms are invited to participate so producers enjoy the maximum possible selection of courses. Over 2.2 million certified course completions are currently archived. Annuity and LTCI news is always up to date so you wont miss any important industry changes.

To learn more, click on the button below.

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What People Are Saying

People trust ClearCert to keep them moving. See what top industry professionals are saying about our service.

ClearCert has become one of the most important tools I use in my day to day routine.  I don’t know how we ever got along without it!

Dawn Borrelli

Licensing & Contracting Coordinator, Fifth Avenue Financial Licensing & Contracting

We are very thankful for your service! I was very lost without the ability to track LTCI Certifications!

Kristen Warren

Educator Service Associate, DirectPath

The daily reporting from CE providers to ClearCert’s servers ensures fast turnaround times, which is extremely helpful in a pinch.

Patrick Brogan

General Agent, National Benefits Group of America

Over 2.2 Million Archived Course Records


My compliance was coming up for renewal, and no one seemed to know what I needed to do other than ClearCert. They were able to provide me with a course catalog that clearly stated the courses I needed to take to stay compliant.

Kyle Creswell

ClearCert made it easy from the moment I subscribed. I had called the training company and my state department of insurance, but only ClearCert could tell me how my carrier applies my state’s training rules. I created a certification report that proves I’m ready to sell!

Sophia Whelan

Individual Producer Pricing


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